When I made up my list years ago about what I wanted in a man I never really thought that the man I married would actually end up being those things that I wrote down.  Psalm 37:4 says “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.” He has definitely given me the desires of my heart. 

I married Travis Gosselin a year ago on Sunday and it has been one of the happiest years of my life. I have had so many laughs and have already shared so many incredible memories. My husband is a man of integrity, he is someone who I can trust whole heartedly and who I can depend on. He is someone who cares for me genuinely and always makes sure that I realize that. He has provided for us and is smart about his money. He saves for our future and for the dreams we have in years to come. He makes me laugh like no one else can. He loves God and is always interested to learn more about Him. He is an example to those around him but especially at his work where he is open about his faith and his relationship with Christ. He wrote in my card this year that life is a breeze with me by his side and I have to say the same for him. Life has been incredible!

So what did he do for our 1st anniversary? He told me ahead of time that we would be celebrating on Saturday.  I had to be ready on Saturday by 10:45. Once I was ready and in the car he gave me the 1st of many envelopes to come that day that would have different clues as to what we were doing next. We ended up going out for breakfast but I ended up being surprised by my parents being there and joining us for that. Then we went to the mall where he gave me some money to go shopping for an hour. After that I got another clue with a map. We ended up going to an airport in Brampton and he had hired a pilot to take us flying for awhile. After that the next clue was our favourite restaurant. We went there and my sister in law and brother in law ended up being there to have dinner with us. Then Travis gave me tokens and said we were going to go on the subway to a night of laughs. We ended up getting to a place where a show called “Second City” was playing. I had never heard of it before but famous people like John Candy and Martin Short have been a part of this show at other locations. They seated us right at the front of the stage and it ended up being a show full of laughs…to the point that Travis was wiping tears away from his eyes. 😛

Then we started to head back to Barrie. The thing I found funny was the whole day Travis did not let me look in the trunk and even after the comedy show I still wasn’t allowed to look. On our way home I realized why. We didn’t go home but instead Travis had booked the same suite we had stayed in on our honeymoon night. It was such an incredible surprise and an awesome way to end such a perfect day. He brought everything to give it that touch of a romantic night and in the end my 1st anniversary ended up being something that I will never forget.

Yup…..once again I feel incredibly blessed. Sometimes it seems too good to be true. As I was getting ready to go to bed last night I had one of those moments were I just found myself staring at Travis and was in awe of him and who he is and how I am the one who gets to share his life with him. All the thoughts brought tears to my eyes because I am so happy where I am in life right now and am so thankful to God for an amazing husband who loves me in a way I never would have dreamed of.