Last week my Mom was on her way back from taking my Dad to the airport when she was involved in a horrible accident.
We are not sure what exactly happened. Mom says she was feeling very tired but we also think that she blacked out. She doesn’t seem to remember the accident at all until she woke up in the ditch. However, witnesses say she went across into the other lane and hit a transport truck. Witnesses also said it looked like she was trying to go under the truck and somehow she managed to blow out three tires along the side of the truck. She ended up in a ditch and the van is totalled. Everyone that saw the accident and the van said they are so surprised Mom is living. Even when we went to go get things out of the van, the tow man said he still couldn’t believe she was living.
I got the call that she had been in an accident last Thursday afternoon. When I got to the accident and saw the car I realized how bad it was. I am sure my face was white when I saw the car and realized she could have died in the accident. The cop even asked me if I was ok because of how shocked I was. It was so hard to see Mom shaken up and bleeding all over but…I was so glad it was not any worse and that God had protected her. We all know it is a complete miracle that she is still here!
Travis left work and came and met us at the scene and then we went to the hospital with Mom. They did x-rays on her and we thank God that her hip is still in place and the accident did not affect that at all. They flushed out her ear to get all the glass out and she did break a bone in her foot, but other then that she is fine. 🙂
When I got a hold of Dad, who was on his way to Brazil, he told me he was changing his plans and would be on his way home. When he arrived home he just held Mom and cried. He knows home is where he needs to be right now and will be here until next week sometime to help with everything they need to deal with.
I thank God that no one else was badly injured. I believe God protected those that were around her too. We know the transport truck driver went to the hospital but we have not heard anymore about it so we are believing that he had no major injuries. Another car was hit with the debris but no one was hurt.
It is hard to think that Mom was sleeping through the whole accident. If you saw where the accident started to where it ended, and if you heard what they said actually happened, there is no way that Mom could have been sleeping for that long and that the impact and noise couldn’t have woken her up. Maybe it was the pills that she has been taking for her hip. We are not really sure but today she has an appointment to see her doctor to see if there is anything we should be concerned about.
We know she is blessed to be alive and Mom definitely knows it was the hand of God that protected her and it is because of Him that she is here today. She may be walking in an air boot, she may have scrapes and bruises on her but she is alive and doing well. 🙂
My whole family praises God for this!